Sunday, February 23, 2020

Old Major Movie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Old Major Movie - Essay Example Soon later the animals put their plan into effect. This means that they defeat the owner of the farm and take over the land for the animals. The animals then rename the farm animal farm and begin to explore their new existence, with one animals developing the slogan ‘I will work harder’. At first the animal farm is highly effective and there is limited in-fighting among the animals. The original pigs educate new animals about the ways of Animalism, or animal dominance much like Old Major had envisioned. At one point the farmer returns to attempt to reclaim the land and the group of animals defeats him. They name this confrontation the Battle of Cowshed. During this time of the film the pigs begin to argue amongst themselves and the viewer begins to detect that the animal rule is experiencing a number of challenges that may lead to its demise. They develop ideas, like an electrically generated windmill, but one of the pigs objects to the idea. Napoleon uses the dogs that were trained earlier in the movie to chase Snowball from the farm and assume control for himself and declares that the pigs will be the ones making the decisions for all the animals. Â  As Napoleon assumes control he decides to complete the windmill project. After working on the project the animals discover that one day it is toppled. They are not sure what happened to the windmill, but they play Snowball. As a response they set about undertaking a purge of the animals in the farm that may be opposed to their rule.

Friday, February 7, 2020

(Counseling) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

(Counseling) - Essay Example Cultural sensitivity knows no negative differences or similarities, such as ‘better or worse,’ or ‘right and wrong.’ Each culture has what they know, regardless of what other cultures have, believe, or follow. Having cultural sensitivity means not finding one culture better than another, but finding them to all be the same in the sense that they have their similarities and differences. There are enough of these similarities and differences to keep cultures balanced with each other without making one more superior or inferior to others. Empathy, or understanding, can simply be described as â€Å"putting oneself into another’s shoes.† Empathy is not the same thing as pity or sympathy, but involves recognizing and entirely understanding what a person is thinking or feeling. Empathy is something that can take place if a person has experienced something that another person is experiencing – it allows that â€Å"outsider† to know exactly what is going on in the mind of that other person, to know what they are feeling, and are able to relate. Another well-known phrase that can be used to fully understand the meaning of empathy is â€Å"seeing eye to eye† with the other person. I have had, at times, the feeling of being an imposter in the career field that I am currently in. I would begin to doubt myself and my abilities, which would lead me to question myself repeatedly about why I am getting myself involved in counseling. It has even gotten to the point where I have found myself considering a career change, though I know that, after all the schooling I have put myself through, switching careers is hardly an option for me. Just from my own experience, I feel that many people that are new to a position or to a certain profession feel like an imposter. People spend a lot of time in school, preparing for what they should do upon graduating and entering their job,